Welcome To Floreria Celeste


Our Most Popular Flower Arrangement styles!

We sell a wide variety of flowers but what most of our clients prefer are ROSES! Roses make any any special occasion memorable with their beautiful shapes, colors and lasting fragrances.


Flower Care Tips For Longer Flower Life:


Flowers already in vase

Flower care for flowers already in a vase^:

  • Make sure to change the water every two days using cold cold water.

  • Add the packet of flower food provided or a bit of sugar or even a drop of bleach to help kill bacteria in the water every time you do water changes.

  • Cut an inch off of the bottom of each flower stem every time you do a water change so that the flowers can absorb the clean water easier!

Flower bouquet wrapped in decorative flower paper

Flower care for flower arrangements wrapped in decorative flower paper^:

  • Prepare a vase or a container of choice with cold water and add the flower food provided.

  • Cut an inch off of every stem in your bouquet then place flowers in water. (We recommend you leave the flowers wrapped in the decorative paper since that is an extra fee included in the total price of the flowers)

  • Afterwords, follow the same care as instructed for flower arrangements already in a vase.

Flowers in flower box

Flower care for flowers inside of a flower box or container containing flower foam:

  • Do not leave them unattended, the flower foam inside of the box needs to stay wet at all times.

  • To add more water, simply remove a flower from the center of the arrangement and carefully pour cold water on top of the flower foam making sure it's completely soaked. (make sure to not get any water on top or inside of the flower.)

  • Do not over water the foam since it may ruin the box if it gets wet. The water level should be right above the foam at all times.